Noemi Letizia

In this photo taken on Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 18-year-old Noemi Letizia poses with a portrait of Silvio Berlusconi in her home in Naples, Italy. Facing a divorce threat, Premier Silvio Berlusconi was quoted Monday May 4, 2009 as saying he doesn’t know if he wants to patch up his marriage and demanding a public apology from his wife. The billionaire media magnate’s wife, actress Veronica Lario, confirmed Sunday she is seeking a divorce from Berlusconi for his constant flirtations with younger women. She also lashed out at the premier’s reported attendance at an 18-year-old woman’s birthday party in Naples, saying she was surprised “because he never came to the 18th of any of his children, even though he was invited.” The girl, Noemi Letizia, has been quoted as saying she calls Berlusconi “papi” or “Daddy” and has been photographed sporting a gold and diamond necklace the premier reportedly gave her as a birthday gift. (AP Photo/Franco Castanò) ITALY OUT

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